Throughout the film, the interviews are interrupted by « feminist interludes », during which texts written by activist and scholars who lived in different times are recited by contemporary women.
These women embody the transforming power of feminist struggles. As their voices resonate with the men’s, they lay bare the repercussions of the struggles on masculinities
Opening : Valerie SOLANAS - SCUM Manifesto (1967)
1/ Yesterday
• Gisèle HALIMI - The liberty of liberties (1979) : Reproductive rights
• Emma GOLDMANN - The tragedy of woman’s emancipation (1906) : Women at work
• Annie LECLERC - A woman’s words (1974) : Household chores
• Susan MOLLER OKIN - Justice, Gender, and the Family (1989) : Being a family
• Betty FRIEDAN - The Féminine Mystique (1964) : Raising children
2/ Today
• Iris Marion YOUNG - Throwing like a Girl (1980) : Ordinary sexism
• Susan BORDO - Unbearable Weight (1993): Women’s appearance
• Colette GUILLAUMIN - The Appropriation of Women (1978) : Sexuel violence
• Gloria STEINEM - Erotica and Pornography (1977) : Sexuality and pornography
• Andrea DWORKIN - Intercourse (1987) : The male orgasm
• Camille FROIDEVAUX-METTERIE - The Intimate Revolution (2018) : The female pleasure
3/ Tomorrow
• Virginie DESPENTES - King-Kong Theory (2006) : Their own bodies
• Simone de BEAUVOIR - The Second Sex (1949) : what is a man?
• Emmanuel BEAUBATIE - Trans People among Feminists (2020) : The end of the gender binary
• Judith BUTLER - Gender Trouble (1990) : Gender convergence
• bell HOOKS - Feminism is for Everybody (1968) : Becoming a feminist